Saturday, March 13, 2010

"This Common, Inexpensive Vitamin Slows Alzheimer's by 52%"

Dr. Frank Shallenberger - "Real Cures Health Alert" - 2/25/10 - "...So to test the vitamin (E), they looked at 341 patients with moderately severe Alzheimer's, and split them into 4 groups. The researchers gave the 1st group the medication selegiline. Studies show that selegiline slows down the progression of Parkinson's disease. It also prevents the tremors that often occur as people get into their late 70's and 80's. They gave the 2nd group 2,000 units of vitamin E in the form of alpha-tocopherol. The 3rd group took both the vitamin E and the selegiline.  And the 4th group took a placebo. The researchers followed the four groups for 2 years. They were looking for how long it took these patients to lose the ability to perform basic activities of daily living, or to die.  Here's what they found. The group on vitamin E alone did the best. The average time until any of the above happened in this group was 670 days. The selegiline group was right behind at 655 days. The placebo group progressed in the average time of 440 days.  When you do the math, you discover that taking vitamin E for this short period of time slowed down the progression of Alzheimer's disease an amazing 52%"... .."If you know of anyone who has dementia that may be Alzheimer's, tell them to immediaely start taking 2,000 units of a good quality vitamin E. This is a completely safe dose. It's also very inexpensive. And it may just delay the disease from progressing for a long time.- Frank Shallenberger, MD - - (Please let me know if there was a positive reaction by anyone. - There are many more of varied subjects.) 

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