Saturday, March 20, 2010

Excerpts from "The Douglass Report" of March 2010 (www.)

 "...5 more age-defying nutrients.  If you're still uncomfortable with the idea of eating saturated fat, don't worry: There are other ways to make sure your skin gets all the nutrients  it needs to stay healthy and young.  Here are five of the biggest..Vitamin A.  If you've noticed that your skin is dry and flaky, you're probably deficient in vitamin A.  This vitamin is crucial to healthy skin because it maintains and repairs skin tissue.  Most nutritionalists will tell you to get your vitamin A from vegetables like carrots and broccoli because they contain beta-carotene, which your body converts into vitamin A.  If you're a carrot and broccoli fan, then by all means, chomp away.  But for a better vitamin A boost, eat more dairy.  It contains straight vitamin A, so your body doesn't have to convert it from beta-carotene--something many people can't do (especially if you have diabetes or a thyroid  condition).  ...Essential Fatty Acids.  EFAs keep  cell membranes healthy, which helps them to hold in moisture, leading to plumper, younger-looking skin.  The two main EFA are omega-6 and omega-3.  You probably get plenty of omega-6 without even trying, but most people do not get enough omega-3.  You can easily give your skin an omega-3 boost by eating more fish and walnuts.  You should also consider adding flaxseed or flax  seed oil to your daily supplement regime.  ...Selenium.  This mineral is vital for keeping your skin cells healthy--and not just in a cosmetic way.  According to research published in the British Journal of Dermatology and Clinical Nutrition, the higher amounts of selenium you have, the less likely your skin cells are to suffer from oxidative damage that leads to cancer.  The best sources of selenium include turkey, tuna, and Brazil nuts. ...Green tea.  This tasty beverage also promises to protect against skin cancer.   It an reduce damage from ultraviolet  light, which can reduce your skin cancer specifically--and its anti-inflammatory properties lead to healthier skin overall. ...Iron.  This mineral delivers oxygen to the cells--including your skin cells.  If your skin isn't getting enough oxygen, it will end up looking dull and ashen.  But don't try to get your iron through vegetarian sources since your body doen't absorb it as well. Instead, stick to beef, chicken, and legumes." -  (I have a great amount more of Dr. Douglass-JHM16)                                                       

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